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Academic Track

The European Smalltalk User Group is proud to announce that the 11th Annual ESUG Conference will include a refereed academic track. A strong program committee has been selected and we expect the academic track to include high-quality papers. Proceedings will be published and the best papers will be accepted into a special issue of the Elsevier international journal "Computer Languages".
The latex format of Computer Languages journal:


The goal of the academic track is to have a forum for academic publications related to research in Smalltalk and dynamically-typed languages. We encourage authors to submit excellent quality papers as we plan to produce proceedings.
A non-exhaustive list of topics is:
  • new languages features (mixins, AOP,...)
  • multi-agent systems
  • meta and reflective programming
  • code analysis (refactoring,...)
  • process development (Agile processes, Unit testing)
  • virtual machines (optimization, new trends)
  • integrated development environments (browsers, visualization, ...)
  • frameworks (web, graphical...)
  • software evolution (metrics,...)

Program Chair

Program Committee

  • Prof. Andrew Black (Oregon Health and Science University, USA)
  • Dr. Noury Bouraqadi (Ecoles de Mines de Douai, France)
  • Prof. Serge Demeyer (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium)
  • Prof. Theo D'Hondt (Universiteit Vrije Brussels, Belgium)
  • Prof. Stephane Ducasse (Universitaet Bern, Switzerland)
  • Prof. Ralph Johnson (University of Illinois, USA)
  • Eliot Miranda (Cincom, USA)
  • Joseph Pelrine (MetaProg, Switzerland)
  • Dave Simmons (Quasar, USA)
  • Dr. Serge Stinckwich (University of Caen, France)
  • Dave Thomas (Bedarra, USA-Canada)
  • Dr. Roel Wuyts (Universitaet Bern, Switzerland)

Important Dates

  • Deadline: 15th of April 2003 (and not 15th of March as originally mentioned)
  • Notification of acceptance: 1st of June 2003
  • Final version: 1st of July 2003

Important Information

  • Preferred format: PDF
  • Maximum paper length 15 pages

ESUG Academic Track inside the ESUG

We plan to have the Academic track the first day of the Conference: the 25 of August 2003.